Microsoft Azure Essentials
- General IT technical knowledge
- Basic understanding of Active Directory
- Basic understanding of RDBMS concepts
Course Outline
- Microsoft Azure Cloud Concepts Essentials
- Introduction to the Cloud
- Introduction to Azure
- Microsoft Azure Management Tools
- Microsoft Azure PowerShell
- Microsoft Azure CLI and SDK
- Microsoft Azure VM concepts
- Creating Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
- Creating, Configuring, and Attaching Data Disks
- Introduction to Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks
- Creating Virtual Networks
- Microsoft Azure Load Balancers
- Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Storage
- Blob Storage
- Microsoft Azure Files
- Queue Storage
- Table Storage
- Disk Storage
- Introduction to Microsoft Azure Database Solutions
- Microsoft Azure SQL Database
- Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
- Introduction to Microsoft Azure AD
- Microsoft Azure AD Fundamentals
- Microsoft Azure AD Authentication
- Microsoft Azure AD Enterprise User management